Mardi 28 décembre 2010

Top 8 Family Anime

I have watched the finale of Full Metal Alchemist the other day. I burst into tears when the great anime was ended. I am deeply moved by the PVC figures. The destiny of the characters makes me full of grave worry. I just hope all the guys in the anime can have brilliant future. Luckily, it is a happy ending which makes me happy.

But, sometimes I am probing why Full Metal Alchemist is so wonderful. Is that because there are beautiful pictures, good movements or stylish characters? No, absolutely no. After a long time' thinking, I got the key to the success of the anime. First, I have to say that it is just my opinion, just mine. I am just a big fan of Full Metal Chemist. In fact, I am an enthusiast of anime, manga.

What is the key to the success of Full Metal Alchemist? It is family's emotional energy. This strong family emotional energy makes me deeply touched. This is the important factor why Full Metal Chemist has made such a great success.

Now, except Full Metal Alchemist, there are also many family garage kitwhich the most important factor in animes are family emotional energy. They are all great pieces with lots of followers. Today, I make a Top 8 family animes list for you. No matter how bad and how outdated the list is, you could just take a look. It took me almost one day to compile the information in manga magazine and check out the final list. Just enjoy it.

1. Full Metal Alchemist

If you watched the whole story and spend some time thinking about the plot, you may be surprised to figure out the answer. All the fighters in the anime are from the same big family. Edward Elric, his sisters, his brothers, his uncles. Whoever in the anime are almost one member of the extended family.

2. Code Geass

It is a 100 percent family anime. This is a story of an adolescent boy fighting against his own father. Everything in Code Geass is family background.

3. Naruto

Naruto is considered as a great work by the little children. And we can define it as a blood anime or a science anime because it covers so many contents. But now, we can say it is absolutely a family anime. You know Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke are designed to be a pair when they are born.

4. Saint Seiya

What should I say? Athena is the queen of the Saints' family. All the stuff of the family are willing to sacrifice for their queen.

5. Inuyasha

Inuyasha is not only a family anime but also a love tragedy happening in the family. What a confused story in the anime world.

6. Hitman Reborn

As the name saying, It is a cool story happening in the traditional gangster family. It sounds like horrible. Lol.

7. Detective Conan

I guess that no one is willing to meet the Conan' family in reality. Because everyone met by the Conan is a tragedy. He is the garage kit prepainted kit or dead.

8. School Days

Sorry, I have not watched the anime. I got the name from the magazine. But, I plan to take a look soon.

Par animemodel - 1 commentaire(s)le 28 décembre 2010
Lundi 27 décembre 2010

Rising Popularity of Anime Stuff

The anime stuff word comes from animation, as abbreviated in Japanese. The English dictionary explains it as a style introduced in Japan. Though, Anime as a whole represents every kind of animation. Therefore, Japanese Anime is used to distinguish it with the animation in the rest of the world. Until recently, anime was called "Manga" in Western and European countries. But in Japan, Manga is referred to comics only!

Anime is generally inspired from novels, manga and local customs and traditions. Anime can be telecasted on TV and is also distributed and published through other media types like video, internet and DVD. Anime earlier also referred to exclusively Japanese animation but is now no longer considered so.

Anime is viewed and loved by children to adults to women. It shows various stories and characters based on themes in science, fiction, sports, romance and horror, which are most created stuff and is far off reality. But there are a few animes which depict a bit of realism like suffering, emotions and death, which raises the value of the content but makes it unfit for children to watch.

Anime is getting popular both in terms of audience and range. The craze for Pokemon among children is more than just the series. They want to have the video games, collectables, DVDs, t shirts and costumes of their favorite character from the show. Another trend that has been experienced is watching Anime movies originally made in Japanese after dubbing them in English.

The Walt Disney's "Spirited Away", a Japanese movie, which even grossed more than "Titanic" in Japan revolutionized the Anime PVC industry in Western World. Hayao Miyazaki, the much known name in Anime, directed the movie and was praised by fans all around the world for laying stress to every minute detail in the film. The Fox TV network and Walt Disney, the two major Anime Programs and movies distributors in the West registered over $2 billion revenue in the industry. Some years before, there were not many anime TV shows and series, but now, almost every kid is aware of the Japanese animation cartoons and movies and the count is increasing with every minute.

Bandai Entertainment, A Japanese anime Toy Company, claimed to have produced 75 anime shows and movies in the preceding year in United States, which explains the rise in demand of animes.

Nowadays, pvc figure anime are growing fast in DVD sector too. Anime movies have the advantage of low cost production as all they need is a pen a paper and a computer to work on. Internet is also responsible for bringing anime to the place it is today!

Par animemodel - 0 commentaire(s)le 27 décembre 2010
Vendredi 24 décembre 2010

Tracing The Roots of Anime Stuff

From the popular Transformers movie release to the Yu-Gi-Oh! cards your kids might have, anime has certainly left its mark on the world in recent years. Understanding its roots, though, is the key to predicting where this ever-changing genre is headed.

Before you can understand the history of anime stuff, maybe it's first necessary to understand exactly what anime is. "Anime" literally means animation in Japanese. It does not distinguish one style from another; it's simply a way to talk about animation of all types.

Worldwide, though, anime is what we call a particular style of Japanese art and animation. Because of its popularity in recent years, the term 'anime' has come to mean a style rather than animation that comes specifically from Japan. Through the years, anime has also been known by other names. Japanime is one, and Japanimation is another. Manga is a more recent, and perhaps controversial, term for anime-style comic books.

A Bit of History

While lots of animation was produced in Japan from about 1917 on, the anime that we know and love today is considered to have been created by Tezuka Osamu, who started drawing comic books in 1947. His character Astroboy (or Tetsuwan Atomu as he is known in Japan) hit television screens around Japan in 1963, which is generally considered to be the first mainstream anime cartoon. What's more is that Tezuka Osamu helped to create the giant robot genre that has been such an ongoing theme in both anime and manga.

Anime PVC became such a popular art form in Japan because the live action film genre was simply too expensive to be a hit. As a result, some of the same thematic steps western filmmakers were taking in the world of live action were being taken in Japanese animation simultaneously.

The Real Difference

As a whole, anime is quite different from American animation. Anime encompasses complex story lines of nearly every genre as well as thought-provoking characters that most American animation stays away from. Since American animation is considered "kid's stuff," and anime is a mainstream form of entertainment for all kinds of people in Japan, lots of people misinterpret anime's intentions.

While some of anime is okay for you and your children to view together, many films contain adult themes and situations that aren't okay for younger viewers. Keep in mind that Japan has very different attitudes about nudity, strong language, and violence, so plopping your toddler down in front of anime because it's a cartoon just isn't a good idea.

Like the Idea?

If you're interested in exploring anime further, there are several pvc figure anime that are considered to be classics to the genre as a whole. Try starting with Princess Mononoke. With a strong plot and beautiful style, you're sure to fall in love with this type of animation instantly.

Par animemodel - 1 commentaire(s)le 24 décembre 2010
Mardi 19 octobre 2010

Scrapped Princess

I must say, at first I was a little confused about Naruto Figure Scrapped Princess . I investigated the title superficially, and found the following: it is a fantasy story which has a princess and knights. In addition there are kingdoms. Needless to say, I thought better of watching the anime. A couple of months later, it was recommended to me as a decent post-apocalyptic anime. My perverse fascination with the apocalypse quickly took over and I decided to watch the show. During those 24 episodes that it lasted, I was very positively surprised.

The world of Naruto pvc Scrapped Princess, while well-made, is not particularly astonishing. Not until about 4/7 through the anime. The reader is cast into a seemingly usual and mundane fantasy world. In this world the Church of Mauser is the dominant sect, one which has much influence over politics. There is another sect in the anime, the followers of Browning. The followers of Browning form a majority and most believe them to be an organisation of blasphemous wrongdoers. Both faiths demonise each other in their teaching, which will be very crucial later on.

It is in this world that our protagonist Pacifica Casull was born nearly 16 years before the events of the story. Once born, she was condemned to death. A prophecy foretelling that she would bring destruction to the world effectively convinced her father the king, but really, all followers of Mauser that she must be killed. An order was given to this extent, but as as usually the case, the execution failed.

Naruto Figure was taken in by a couple who became her foster parents and their children her adoptive siblings. Raquel and Shannon, the siblings in question, protected her almost her whole life. This was a task they were entrusted with by their parents. Scrapped Princess is essentially the story of these three individuals, interwoven with that of a number of others who each play their role very well.

Apart from the handful of key characters, the personae of the inhabitants are not overly complex. The reader must be aware that Scrapped Princess, albeit a fascinating one, is a shounen anime. Characters can often seem scripted, but compared to other shounen titles, Scrapped Princess demonstrates perhaps a bit more autonomy in crafting the characters’ personalities. On the other hand, the characters play their respective roles in a very realistic and well-timed manner. The anime has to deal with a large number of characters, but does it very well. This can be seen best in the second half.

Naruto pvc is well aware of her own identity, unlike of her own place. She is, effectively, a spoilt princess. Her siblings take care of her in every possible way, and despite their ‘nomadic’ way of life, she cannot even cook. Because she is the putative harbinger of destruction, there is someone attempting to kill her every corner. This causes her siblings much distress, but they patiently endure.

Par animemodel - 0 commentaire(s)le 19 octobre 2010
Samedi 09 octobre 2010

A Decade of Anime - 2000 to 2009

In just a few weeks, we'll celebrate 2010. But this first day of the year won't just mark a new year, it will also mark the beginning of a new decade.

And as decades go, the last ten years have been quite eventful in the anime world, to say the least. We've seen companies rise and fall, new trends in animation and of course, the long-overdue melding of Naruto Figure and the digital world.

We said hello to new Naruto pvc titles while saying goodbye to Toonami, once known as the quickest way to get new anime on TV.

In short, we've been busy, busy, busy.

So, in honor of the anime we love, the companies that make them and you, the die-hard fans, here's a look back at some of anime's most notable moments over the last decade.

Anime, Anime and More Anime
The last ten years have seen a huge surge in anime production with new series coming out faster than you can say "kamehameha!" This was due in part to the fierce competition among anime companies, particularly during the first half of the decade.

But in spite of their quick production, we still managed to see some real beauties emerge, giving us a whole new collection of must-haves for our DVD shelves.

Topping my list are notables such as Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Panic!, Afro Samurai and of course, Bleach and Death Note.

Many of these titles are responsible for the expanded interest in anime, pushing it off the sidelines and into mainstream entertainment. The result was a new surge of anime fans and ergo, an endless list of new anime to watch.

Just how mainstream did anime go? Well, when Hello Kitty turned 35 this November, pop star Lady Ga Ga was on hand for an exclusive photo shoot to celebrate the occasion.

Anime Trends

As far as genres go, anime has always been as varied as Hollywood in its story lines but there are a few trends worth mentioning.

Mecha continued its reign in anime with a wide variety of new robot-oriented shows to relish. At the top of my list is of course, Escaflowne: The Movie (2000), Full Metal Panic! (2002) and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (2002). But that little list hardly scratches the surface of new anime in this genre. With so many great titles like Vandread (2000), Solty Rei (2005) and Code Geass (2006), it's easy to see why mecha continued to be a popular theme for new anime shows.

And although it wasn't until the last several years that our romance with vampires got some new life with the debut of Twilight and HBO's True Blood, anime has been playing in that genre all decade long. In fact, we kicked off the decade with Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and Blood: The Last Vampire, both of which were released in Japan in 2000 with a U.S. release following the next year.

And who could forget on of the most notable vamp animes -- Hellsing, which originally debuted in 2001 in Japan but didn't hit the states until 2006.

But perhaps the most popular trend in new anime was the move to live-action movie adaptations.

As I said, anime had really gone mainstream and it wasn't long before Hollywood finally figured out what all the fuss was about. Some of these new projects were fabulous -- the Transformers movies (1 & 2) had incredible numbers at the box-office and even the recent CGI version of Astro Boy turned out to be a delightful family movie and didn't do too badly in numbers either.

Unfortunately, not all of these ventures were done as well as they could have been -- think Speed Racer and the long-awaited Dragon Ball movie -- and as a result, many anime fans still cringe when they hear one of their beloved Naruto rings classics is going live-action.

Even so, this trend continues and at this writing, there's the third installment to the Transformers franchise slated for 2011, an American remake of the Japanese Death Note live-action is rumored and both Cowboy Bebop and Bubblegum Crisis live-action adaptations are in the works as well.

In 2006, we also saw a new trend of anime feature films. Not that full-length anime movies weren't already around -- they were. But until 2006, it wasn't too often that you could catch an anime movie at an actual movie theater. This new trend prompted anime companies to rethink some of their promotional strategies and new divisions were born, such as FUNimation Films, dedicated solely to bringing us anime on the big screen.

een the best of anime... yet.

Par animemodel - 0 commentaire(s)le 09 octobre 2010
Mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Naruto analysis spot of the conspiracy! Of Yahiko's death the truth!

I spotted it on the whereabouts Naruto Figure of several decades are interested in re-reading comics again, with a lot of inspiration, Tis altogether vain speculation, analysis, good, please do not Paizhuan!

The present situation of information is:

1, the spot control of four generations of the water film, creating a bloody era of fog and forbearance;
2, the spot control of nine attack Konoha;
3 spot in Uchiha genocide;
4, the dawn of the establishment

Little information first appeared,Naruto pvc no analysis of the first, second and third is truth, the next for the fourth, which is how the establishment of dawn, feeling a lot!

Spot in the South a war with the small reference to "encourage the establishment Xiao organization Yahiko who is me"

I am going to spot these words as the truth, after all, in the eyes of a small spot of the south who is dying, do not lie, then the dawn of this organization, what organization it is, five video conference, said very clearly, is a ninja mercenary group

So I ask, Naruto rings Yahiko created this organization in mind, is the purpose?

Seen in the childhood memories of the South out of Yahiko is a peace-loving people, he created the original intention of the organization is to maintain peace in the village of the rain endure, but he was on Leaves with the same hatred of the door with a long, say from his childhood to can be seen that Yahiko is to retaliate against Konoha

The most important thing is that this organization has recurrent eye, coupled with hatred of Konoha, spot took aim at Yahiko, this is the emergence of the original spot, then "encourage the establishment Ninja Yahiko mercenary group" that is the predecessor of dawn

Par animemodel - 0 commentaire(s)le 29 septembre 2010
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